הכנס הבינלאומי השנתי ה-26 בפילוסופיה של המדעים
Between Biology and Physics: Reduction, Emergence and Complexity
17 בדצמבר 2012, 10:00
גילמן, אולם דרכליס 496
ללא תשלום
יומו הראשון של הכנס, ב-17.12.12, יתקיים באוניברסיטת תל-אביב
The Twenty-Sixth Annual International Workshop on the
History and Philosophy of Science
Monday-Thursday, December 17-20, 2012
Greetings: Leo Corry, Tel Aviv University
Mark Bedau, Reed College
How Emergence Drives Synthetic Biology, Science and Ethics
Meir Hemmo, University of Haifa and
Orly Shenker, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
A Physical Account of the Reduction to Physics
Paul Humphreys, University of Virginia
The Dynamics of Emergence
Simcha Rozen, Hadassah College and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Prehistory of Emergence
Yemima Ben-Menahem, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Emergence: The Upwards-Downwards Metaphor and Its Value
Ruth Millikan, University of Connecticut
Explanation by Reference to Proper-Functional Kinds