פאנל מיוחד בנושא: Hot Topics in Stress Research

The Adams Super Center for Brain Studies

06 בפברואר 2014, 14:00 
אולם 119, הפקולטה לרפואה 
ללא תשלום
פאנל מיוחד בנושא: Hot Topics in Stress Research

The Adams Super Center for Brain Studies cordially invites you to a special panel


Hot Topics in Stress Research


The Oligodendroglia cytoskeleton in health and disease


Prof. Dr. Christiane Richter-Landsberg

Molecular Neurobiology, University of Oldenburg, Germany 


Acute and chronic effects of oxytocin on emotinality  and on the consequences of chronic psychosocial stress 


Prof. Dr. Inga D. Neumann

Chair of Neurobiology & Animal Physiology, University of Regensburg, Germany


For inquiries on personal meetings with the speakers, please contact Liat Nissanov, liatn@post.tau.ac.il


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